Here are the bottom 10 Presidents who fall into the UTTER SHIT category. America and American people are/were much worse off for these men becoming President.

These brief descriptions of each President are merely my initial thoughts based on years of reading and research. I may write longer and detailed defenses of a ranking for any major disagreements you may have.

Utter Garbage:

#34 James Buchanan – It is accepted by historians that Buchanan was the first gay President (sorry Obama). He did little right as banks began failing under his watch, triggering economic panic. And James fiddled while the fires of Civil War burned. In fairness, the Civil War was coming regardless. The nation needed a strong leader for what was to come. Buchanan was not the person for that job.

#35 Geroge HW Bush – I toyed with the idea of just combining Bush, Clinton, Bush W, and Obama into one slot. All four were more or less puppets to the intelligence/financial/military cabal that has been running the government for decades. Bush was everything that was wrong with the war hawk Republicans of the day. The former head of the CIA never really stopped serving them. He gets a higher ranking than his cabal cohorts because at least a couple decent Reagan policies remained under his watch. Barely.

#36 Lyndon Johnson – Perhaps the most racist President in history (a coming them for the Dem Party of slavery and KKK), Johnson signed the Republican Civil Rights Bill not for his love of black people, but in his own words, “We’ll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next hundred years.” He also gave the military cabal its Vietnam War it desperately wanted. JFK wouldn’t give it to them but Johnson did. And how many American kids died needlessly as a result?

#37 Herbert Hoover – Hoover was handed an America in perhaps its greatest economic condition ever. The roaring 20’s of Harding and Coolidge had Americans living well. Enter Hoover. A couple years later, enter the Great Depression. When Hoover was running for President, the retired Coolidge gave this “endorsement” of Hoover, “That man offered me unsolicited advice for the past six years, all of it bad.”

#38 Bill Clinton – I have to try to ignore the fact that Clinton is a serial rapist and will likely be outed soon as one of Epstein’s best customers for the little girls being trafficked. Like Bush and Bush, he was a neo con war hawk. And to demonstrate how far the insanity of the Dems has gone, Clinton would be considerate to the right of moderate socially now. Clinton also famously refused to leave the golf course when he had the opportunity to take out Bin Laden. Since we now know Bin Laden was a CIA asset, maybe Clinton was just doing what he was told?

#39 George W Bush – W’s best attribute is what makes some think he is borderline retarded, his folksy, aw-shucks speaking style. 9/11 happened on his watch. We’ll not go down that rabbit hole here though. W gave us the war in Iraq, the one Middle East nation that obviously had nothing to do with 9/11! Hard core Muslims despised Saddam Hussein because he was essentially secular. Saddam was basically like a Kennedy Catholic. He was Muslim in name only. Worse than Iraq, Bush gave us the Patriot Act which paved the way for many of the deep state criminal acts perpetrated by our government on its citizens. Think Covid. Think suppression of free speech on social media.

#40 Franklin Delano Roosevelt – When I was in DC, I visited all of the monuments including his. It gave me the sudden urge to take a giant shit. Historians like to rank him in the top 3. What a joke. The guy was an unmitigated disaster. Fuck him. And fuck anyone who worships him. If you are curious, feel free to read my article about him already posted here. Click on the Articles tab for more about FDR.

#41 Jimmy Carter – “But he was a good man!” Was he? I don’t accept that. I don’t even accept that he was Christian. He supported too many policies and people that are the antithesis to Christianity. Our country spent millions upon millions of dollars and sacrificed hundreds of American lives to build the Panama Canal. So what does the peanut farmer do? He gives it away to Panama for nothing. America Last. Think the Department of Education is destroying the actual education of American kids? Thank Jimmy. Carter was a weak man, and the world knew it. And America paid the price.

#42 Barry Hussein Obama – Let’s be honest. America has a horrific racist history. That doesn’t make us special as the rest of the world has similar histories of racism and slavery. However, racism in America had been all but neutralized as we entered the 90’s and 2000’s. Then Barry was installed. The politics of RACIST, PHOBIC, THAT’S OFFENSIVE was ushered in by the Obama administration. The idea that America being the one world superpower is bad was the central theme in the biggest America-Last administration ever. Our enemies were in turn propped up and enriched. The Ukraine mess, COVID, Iran? It all begins with the Kenyan. Obama’s crimes really deserve an entire breakdown. It’s on my to do list…

#43 Woodrow Wilson – This piece of garbage would give LBJ a run for his money as the most racist President. An Ivy League progressive professor turned President. What could go wrong. Enjoy paying income tax? Thank Woody. After years of decline, the KKK enjoyed a resurgence while Wilson was President. Probably a coincidence. Despite running on remaining neutral in WWI, Wilson desperately wanted in and tried and tried to change public opinion in support of America’s entry into the war. Eventually, he succeeded. We didn’t belong there. He helped create the League of Nations, the red headed stepchild to the abortion that is the UN. Adding to the list of his shortcomings: Wilson is essentially the father of the welfare state. He attacked free speech when Americans resisted entry into WW1 with raids and arrests! Segregation, reduced by previous Presidents, was expanded under Wilson. And worst of all, he established the Federal Reserve. If you don’t know what that means, it essentially is the beginnings of what has become the Deep State. Wilson is currently in a tomb inside the National Cathedral. I paid my respects by pressing my ass against the concrete tomb and farting. It was the most he deserved. We are still cursed by his choices.