This really should go with yesterday's look at Samuel Adams. However, both men deserve their own recognition as much as any of the Founding Fathers. John Hancock was just as much of an influence on the Revolution as Adams (and any other founding father). Remember, it was both of these men who General Gage and King George were unwilling to pardon if the rebels lay down their arms.
Hancock had quite an influential political career. He served a governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, President of the 2nd Constitutional Congress, and served a term as President of the Confederation Congress.
Prior to the War officially breaking out, Hancock was one of the wealthiest men in the 13 colonies, having inherited a lucrative import/shipping business. He was often referred to as the money behind Sam Adams' voice. Hancock also was suspected of using his business for illegal smuggling, which certainly got the attention of British authorities.
It should be noted that Hancock was extremely popular in Boston because he was overly generous with his wealth. In fact, many believe he later bankrolled a lot of the cost of funding Washington's army. Rioting ensued when the British seized one of Hancock's ships and had it towed out to a British warship. Just another match for the powder keg.
***Irony alert*** The name of the British warship that confiscated Hancock's ship? The HMS Romney. ROMNEY! That family has been screwing us since 1775?
And about that signature! It is shameful that the signature is all John Hancock is known for today. But what a beautiful signature. The story is Hancock signed so large and center so King George could read it without his spectacles. This story may be apocryphal, but whether true or not, it was undoubtedly a big F you to the King. Make no mistake. Every founding father knew they were committing treason and signing their death warrants by placing their signatures on the Declaration of Independence. They all had balls. Hancock wanted to make sure King George and the British saw his enormous balls.
Recall that King George had approved a pardon for every British American prior to this except for Hancock and Adams. And Hancock knowing this , insisted on placing his name twice the size and directly in the center. This act of defiance is the perfect representation of what America is supposed to be and once was. It is an indictment on modern American education that this man (and Samuel Adams) are not automatically listed with Washington, Jefferson, Franklin when the birth of the country is discussed.
Let's remember Samuel Adams and John Hancock, the Sons of Liberty and Independence. Without them, there may not have been a fight for independence. There certainly would not have been one as soon as it happened. Both are worthy of a deep dive if you are looking for some summer reading.
Hancock had quite an influential political career. He served a governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, President of the 2nd Constitutional Congress, and served a term as President of the Confederation Congress.
Prior to the War officially breaking out, Hancock was one of the wealthiest men in the 13 colonies, having inherited a lucrative import/shipping business. He was often referred to as the money behind Sam Adams' voice. Hancock also was suspected of using his business for illegal smuggling, which certainly got the attention of British authorities.
It should be noted that Hancock was extremely popular in Boston because he was overly generous with his wealth. In fact, many believe he later bankrolled a lot of the cost of funding Washington's army. Rioting ensued when the British seized one of Hancock's ships and had it towed out to a British warship. Just another match for the powder keg.
***Irony alert*** The name of the British warship that confiscated Hancock's ship? The HMS Romney. ROMNEY! That family has been screwing us since 1775?
And about that signature! It is shameful that the signature is all John Hancock is known for today. But what a beautiful signature. The story is Hancock signed so large and center so King George could read it without his spectacles. This story may be apocryphal, but whether true or not, it was undoubtedly a big F you to the King. Make no mistake. Every founding father knew they were committing treason and signing their death warrants by placing their signatures on the Declaration of Independence. They all had balls. Hancock wanted to make sure King George and the British saw his enormous balls.
Recall that King George had approved a pardon for every British American prior to this except for Hancock and Adams. And Hancock knowing this , insisted on placing his name twice the size and directly in the center. This act of defiance is the perfect representation of what America is supposed to be and once was. It is an indictment on modern American education that this man (and Samuel Adams) are not automatically listed with Washington, Jefferson, Franklin when the birth of the country is discussed.
Let's remember Samuel Adams and John Hancock, the Sons of Liberty and Independence. Without them, there may not have been a fight for independence. There certainly would not have been one as soon as it happened. Both are worthy of a deep dive if you are looking for some summer reading.