Who? Only the man who Ronald Reagan considered the greatest conservative President. Calvin Coolidge possessed all the governing traits we could only wish the rest of the presidents possessed. Small government, low taxes, low spending, no foreign intervention.


As the VP for President Harding, Calvin Coolidge had the opportunity to shine right away as Harding died two years into his term. We've already established that Harding had an impressive two year record. Coolidge not only continued what Harding started, he raised the bar. He truly became the perfect President.

I will posting several short biographical pieces after this longer write up, so I'll skip that here and move on to what made the Coolidge presidency so positive for America and a blueprint for what a President should be. Here are the main (not the only) reasons:

1. Lowered Taxes - Coolidge took Harding's tax cuts and went much further. One of Coolidge's famous quotes is, "the chief business of the American people business." Ignorant liberals often misquote that to mean he supported big business only. Typical lefty class warfare. And not remotely what he meant. Coolidge was communicating that the American people needed to keep more of their earned money SO they could do business. Everyday business. By the final full year of his administration, only the wealthiest 2% of the population paid ANY federal income tax at all. Read that again. The roaring 20's roared even more as a result.

2. Federal Spending - How did the federal government afford having only the wealthiest 2% pay income tax? Spending was slashed drastically. Any superfluous programs still hanging around from the Teddy Roosevelt/Woodrow Wilson crazy spending days was eradicated. Spending decreased each of Coolidge's six years in office.

3. National Debt - Surely the national debt grew as a result of the lowered taxes. Nope. An inherited national debt of $23.9 billion was down to $17.3 billion when Coolidge left office.

4. League of Nations - The precursor to the United Nations and brainchild of the disastrous Woodrow Wilson was an albatross threatening to drag the country into foreign conflicts. There was foreign and domestic liberal pressure to be a part of the League of Nations. In his first address to Congress, Coolidge communicated that while he hoped the League of Nations did some good, the United States would not be limiting its own freedom and independence by being in the group. The United States would observe international affairs and act (or not act) based on its own needs. Leftists mocked Coolidge as an isolationist...an ignorant person's label for putting America first.

5. The Dawes Plan - Coolidge recognized that Germany was in rough shape due to the draconian punishment imposed on the country post WWI. He foresaw the danger that would be brewing. That is not to say he saw something as bad as Hitler, but he did believe an unhealthy Germany would backfire on the world. This plan called for a removal of Allied troops and a large loan with a generous payment plan. This would have allowed Germany to grow its economy and end the suffering of the population. Unfortunately, by the time it could be implemented, it was too late. If only Coolidge had come around several years earlier, WWII and Hitler may have been averted.

6. Immigration - Coolidge was pro legal immigration. However, he insisted that new arrivals should be limited to the country's capacity to absorb them. It could not be a constant wide open door. He also stressed that American institutions rest solely on good citizenship. America must be kept American. Whoa! The woke mob just fainted. Coolidge believed America should be selective in who it admits. Race and national origin were not an issue. What the person added to America was the issue. Merit. All immigrants were expected to assimilate! "Those who do not want to be partakers in the American spirit ought not to settle in America."

7. Civil Rights - Coolidge pressured Congress to make lynching a federal crime. This was a response to the KKK reign of terror in the South. He was adamant that the constitutional rights of blacks were just as sacred as any other citizen. Senate Demokkkrats blocked the bill. Coolidge also spoke out for the rights of Indians. More on these examples in later posts. Coolidge may have been a little naive about racism of the time. He once received a letter complaining about a black man running for Congress. A member of the cabinet recounted how Coolidge was dumbfounded by the letter. He said incredulously, "A colored man is precisely as much entitled to run for public office as any other citizen."

Coolidge was perhaps this country's most anti-socialist president ever. He believed the federal government should have its hands in as little as possible. The best bill was the bill NOT passed. "Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong." This Coolidge's quote should be told to every leader. State enforced wealth distribution only makes everyone poor...other than the few elites. Coolidge governed with this fact in mind.

More posts will be coming explaining the Silent Cal name, his incredible work ethic, and other traits that make Calvin Coolidge America's greatest President.
