#20 – Wilfork de-cleats Donald Jones of Buffalo
This is a relatively unimportant play as the Patriots were leading by 14 in the 4th quarter. For some reason, this is the play I think of when Wilfork’s name comes up. A screen pass to a little RB in the middle of the field was bad news with Vince around.
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zF747Kqx1qg&pp=ygUbdmluY2Ugd2lsZm9yayBkb25hbGQgam9uZXMg
#19 – Ben Roethlisberger INT into endzone (2017)
Just as Brady and Gronk appeared to have completed an epic TD drive to win the game, the Steelers got to the Pats 5 yard line on a fluke play. 3rd and goal, Ben tries a fake spike and promptly throws the ball into traffic in the endzone…right into Duron Harmon’s arms with 5 seconds left. What a glorious way to end that game!
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zk7FP02Js0c&pp=ygUfQmVuIHJvZXRobGlzYmVyZ2VyIGludCBwYXRyaW90cw%3D%3D
#18 – Gronk Dominates Steelers (2017)
Yes, the aforementioned drive of the same game above. Two plays from Gronk are equally memorable. The first demonstrated why Gronk was THE elite pass catching TE. Under pressure, Brady threw the ball low. Gronk picked the ball out of the air just before it could hit the turf. A big man should not be able to make that catch. On the ensuing 2 point conversion, Gronk badly faked the defender and pointed at him laughing before spiking the ball. I would absolutely despise Gronk if he did that against my team.
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WLeY2uuCQv8&pp=ygUYR3JvbmsgZG9taW5hdGVzIHN0ZWVsZXJz
#17 – Larry Izzo INT vs Buffalo (2003)
Remember the first game of that season? A 31-0 loss to Buffalo. They hate their coach. Perfect synchronicity as the Patriots were leading 31-0. The Bills drove the ball to the Pats 5 yard line with seconds remaining. Why is this INT memorable? Just watch the celebration on the field by the entire defense. The home crowd went nuts. This momentum continued through the Super Bowl. No clips of the play alone. Just forward to the last play of this full game tape and enjoy the moment!
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AgQAcWh9D5k&pp=ygUfcGF0cmlvdHMgdnMgYmlsbHMgMjAwMyB3ZWVrIDE3IA%3D%3D
#16 – Rex Ryan calls a Timeout / Gaffney TD (2007)
The perfect regular season ended up having a couple close calls as the season went on. None were closer than this. The game had been lost a few plays before the TD. However, Baltimore D Coordinator had called a timeout just before the snap. Classic! The TD to Gaffney with under 40 seconds shut up the rowdy Baltimore crowd and kept the perfect season alive.
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7zR4X72VUP8&pp=ygUUcGF0cmlvdHMgcmF2ZW5zIDIwMDc%3D
#15 – Brady to Moss to Brady to Gaffney OVER Anthony Smith (2007)
Anthony Smith was talking before the game. Brady abused him the entire game. This incredible trick play was the exclamation point. Shut up, kid.
#14 – Wilfork INT vs Chargers (2011)
The athleticism by a 325lb guy to make that play! You could tell by the way he was running that he wanted the pick 6. It was just not meant to be. He wasn’t outrunning anyone. But what an attempt.
#13 – Vinateiri TD pass to Troy Brown (2003)
This was such a typical play symbolic of the first Patriots dynasty. Just a brilliant play at a time when it was needed. It caught the Rams off guard, it caught the TV cameras off guard. Ernie Adams?
#12 – Troy Brown INT vs Bills (2003)
A defense decimated by injuries turned to Troy Brown to play CB. This is the epitome of why Troy Brown is one of the most loved players in Patriots history. He was the #1 WR during the early Tom Brady years, yet filled in on defense out of necessity. He had 3 INT’s in his career, but this one against Bledsoe is the one I remember best.
#11 – Brady to Moss TD for double records vs Giants (2007)
I remember being so nervous during this game. When Moss dropped a sure TD the prior play, it seemed to signal an end to the incredible 07 run. But the next play happened, and it was electric. It was such a special moment. How can this fall out of the Top 10? I can’t help but watch this play and think about the rematch a month later, the game which shall not be mentioned.
This is a relatively unimportant play as the Patriots were leading by 14 in the 4th quarter. For some reason, this is the play I think of when Wilfork’s name comes up. A screen pass to a little RB in the middle of the field was bad news with Vince around.
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zF747Kqx1qg&pp=ygUbdmluY2Ugd2lsZm9yayBkb25hbGQgam9uZXMg
#19 – Ben Roethlisberger INT into endzone (2017)
Just as Brady and Gronk appeared to have completed an epic TD drive to win the game, the Steelers got to the Pats 5 yard line on a fluke play. 3rd and goal, Ben tries a fake spike and promptly throws the ball into traffic in the endzone…right into Duron Harmon’s arms with 5 seconds left. What a glorious way to end that game!
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zk7FP02Js0c&pp=ygUfQmVuIHJvZXRobGlzYmVyZ2VyIGludCBwYXRyaW90cw%3D%3D
#18 – Gronk Dominates Steelers (2017)
Yes, the aforementioned drive of the same game above. Two plays from Gronk are equally memorable. The first demonstrated why Gronk was THE elite pass catching TE. Under pressure, Brady threw the ball low. Gronk picked the ball out of the air just before it could hit the turf. A big man should not be able to make that catch. On the ensuing 2 point conversion, Gronk badly faked the defender and pointed at him laughing before spiking the ball. I would absolutely despise Gronk if he did that against my team.
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WLeY2uuCQv8&pp=ygUYR3JvbmsgZG9taW5hdGVzIHN0ZWVsZXJz
#17 – Larry Izzo INT vs Buffalo (2003)
Remember the first game of that season? A 31-0 loss to Buffalo. They hate their coach. Perfect synchronicity as the Patriots were leading 31-0. The Bills drove the ball to the Pats 5 yard line with seconds remaining. Why is this INT memorable? Just watch the celebration on the field by the entire defense. The home crowd went nuts. This momentum continued through the Super Bowl. No clips of the play alone. Just forward to the last play of this full game tape and enjoy the moment!
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AgQAcWh9D5k&pp=ygUfcGF0cmlvdHMgdnMgYmlsbHMgMjAwMyB3ZWVrIDE3IA%3D%3D
#16 – Rex Ryan calls a Timeout / Gaffney TD (2007)
The perfect regular season ended up having a couple close calls as the season went on. None were closer than this. The game had been lost a few plays before the TD. However, Baltimore D Coordinator had called a timeout just before the snap. Classic! The TD to Gaffney with under 40 seconds shut up the rowdy Baltimore crowd and kept the perfect season alive.
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7zR4X72VUP8&pp=ygUUcGF0cmlvdHMgcmF2ZW5zIDIwMDc%3D
#15 – Brady to Moss to Brady to Gaffney OVER Anthony Smith (2007)
Anthony Smith was talking before the game. Brady abused him the entire game. This incredible trick play was the exclamation point. Shut up, kid.
#14 – Wilfork INT vs Chargers (2011)
The athleticism by a 325lb guy to make that play! You could tell by the way he was running that he wanted the pick 6. It was just not meant to be. He wasn’t outrunning anyone. But what an attempt.
#13 – Vinateiri TD pass to Troy Brown (2003)
This was such a typical play symbolic of the first Patriots dynasty. Just a brilliant play at a time when it was needed. It caught the Rams off guard, it caught the TV cameras off guard. Ernie Adams?
#12 – Troy Brown INT vs Bills (2003)
A defense decimated by injuries turned to Troy Brown to play CB. This is the epitome of why Troy Brown is one of the most loved players in Patriots history. He was the #1 WR during the early Tom Brady years, yet filled in on defense out of necessity. He had 3 INT’s in his career, but this one against Bledsoe is the one I remember best.
#11 – Brady to Moss TD for double records vs Giants (2007)
I remember being so nervous during this game. When Moss dropped a sure TD the prior play, it seemed to signal an end to the incredible 07 run. But the next play happened, and it was electric. It was such a special moment. How can this fall out of the Top 10? I can’t help but watch this play and think about the rematch a month later, the game which shall not be mentioned.