Reverse line movement was on in the USC LSU game. 66% of the money was in LSU -6.5 and it went down to -4. Picked a c note on the Trojans +4 tonight. Vegas made a bet and came up heads! 60%+ of the money on LSU ML and Spread and the over.
Just a PSA as for something to look for when picking games.
Away Team vs Home Team
Spread is next to the ranked teams
Texas(-7.5) vs Michigan
Texas vs Michigan (+7.5)
Georgia Tech(-3) vs Syracuse
Kansas State(-10) vs Tulane
Arkansas vs Oklahoma State(-8)
BGSU vs Penn State(-35)
TNT vs Georgia Bulldogs (-55)
Baylor vs Utah (-14.5)
Iowa State vs Iowa(-3)
NIU vs Notre Dame(-28)
JVST vs Louisville (-28.5)
MTSU vs Ole Miss(-43.5)
FAMU vs Miami(-44.5)
USF vs Alabama(-31)
Buffalo vs Missouri(-34.5)
Kansas(-5.5) vs Illinois
NIC vs LSU(-50.5)
WMU vs Ohio State (-37.5)
Tennessee (-10) vs NC State(+10)
Houston vs Oklahoma (-28)
App vs Clemson(-17)
NAZ vs Arizona(-47)
Boise state vs Oregon(-21)
USUvs USC(-28.5)