If this is the response we're going to get for these contests, there's no sense in me donating fucking jerseys or anything else. It's not worth it. Fuck it.
If this is the response we're going to get for these contests, there's no sense in me donating fucking jerseys or anything else. It's not worth it. Fuck it.
I totally forgot so I apologize in advance. The contests are really something to be proud of so don't feel that way I at least am grateful for the organizers
last time i watched baseball Nolan Ryan was kicking the shit out of robin Ventura. The fact that I have picked 17 right is crazy, and leading to boot. You guys Fucking suck at this
last time i watched baseball Nolan Ryan was kicking the shit out of robin Ventura. The fact that I have picked 17 right is crazy, and leading to boot. You guys Fucking suck at this