A hearty thanks and contest results


Don't take it personal. I'm a little twisted.
April SportsBook Winner
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I just want to say a heartfelt thank you to all of you who donated to the children with cancer post I provided. It warms the cockles of my heart to see the generosity and caring our little group displayed. It really shows what we're made of. You should all be proud of yourselves, you did well.

After putting all the names in the hat that donated, I'm getting ready to pull one out that will win a Patriots signed photo. The winner is @Dingleberry !! Congrats on beating out everyone else in the contest.

I have made a decision about our March Madness prizes. I've decided that with exception of the 3 moderators and myself, I would double the amount donated to Hallie Kyed in merchandise for the March Madness prize. Since you all were so generous opening your hearts and wallets to the children with cancer, I've decided to triple the amount donated!!

My math isn't so good, what's 3x0 ?

Oh, and thanks again everyone.
I don't have credit cards anymore, as i believe I've mentioned before, so I only donate locally and in cash or with items. And I'm not trying to defend anyone else. But I will say that having this on a Friday night was not going to be good for donations on this site. Friday night is the worst night for poster attendance here.

I do hope that the event was successful overall, and it's absolutely a worthy cause, so people should think about sending donations regardless of the event being over.
yeah i wasn't home until about 8. i plan to donate to them separately.
I am honored to win the drawing @LordSensei1958

The odds were stacked against me, but somehow my name was picked! What were the chances? I feel unworthy, to be honest. Can you put the names in a hat and draw again? I want to give someone else a chance. In the spirit of giving.

I am moved to borrow from Tiny Tim, "God bless us--everyone!"
I am honored to win the drawing @LordSensei1958

The odds were stacked against me, but somehow my name was picked! What were the chances? I feel unworthy, to be honest. Can you put the names in a hat and draw again? I want to give someone else a chance. In the spirit of giving.

I am moved to borrow from Tiny Tim, "God bless us--everyone!"
It's the damnedest thing!! I put all the names of those who made donations back in the hat. I excluded mine, because I have signed Patriot photos already. But, I did 3 more names being pulled from the hat and it ended up being @Dingleberry all 3 times!!! What are the odds? How could this possibly be explained?

It's got to be some kind of cosmic thing that @Dingleberry keeps getting picked out of everyone who donated.

You should buy a lottery ticket young man!!
It's the damnedest thing!! I put all the names of those who made donations back in the hat. I excluded mine, because I have signed Patriot photos already. But, I did 3 more names being pulled from the hat and it ended up being @Dingleberry all 3 times!!! What are the odds? How could this possibly be explained?

It's got to be some kind of cosmic thing that @Dingleberry keeps getting picked out of everyone who donated.

You should buy a lottery ticket young man!!

I am truly inspired be the spirit of giving that was displayed here. Watching the best traits of humanity in action is magical! Compassion. Caring. Empathy. Giving. Wow! We are amongst angels on Earth here.

Childhood cancer is amongst the world's most horrible tragedies, but at least it can bring us all together (if even for a moment) to do battle against it.

I generally have a pessimistic view on humanity, but perhaps I was mistaken. It's not easy for me to say that.
This has really touched me. I've decided to contribute to the site with the same fervor you all donated to Hallie Kyed cancer fund. I'm going to match your passion.
This has really touched me. I've decided to contribute to the site with the same fervor you all donated to Hallie Kyed cancer fund. I'm going to match your passion.

Dude, you'll wear yourself out.

And what will you do with the other 24 hours in a day?