Want to add a few notes. And yes, this is about the time I have been working on this shit to at night. I hope you fuckers appreciate it. Just kidding I would do it anyway. Because I use it. I have been dogging Grok making that fucker burn some serious CPU coding this thing for me. It has been a life saver. No way I would be as far along with this as I am or even sharing it at all. It has automated so many parts of this workbook for me, it's been unbelievable.
1. I was finally able to get the task scheduler working, which I use all the time for work. But I couldn't get it to run the damn script to pull the latest game data. But we (Grok and I) persevered and got it figured out. Python installation locations is a finicky thing.
2. Created a script to automate the importation of the updated data into the data table in the main excel workbook. This is a big timesaver as manually doing it was a pain in the ass because of the way excel handles copy and pasting.
3. I was able to tidy up some of the aesthetics as you guys saw. Hope you like the new layout. Another win I believe for Grok as it suggested the color scheme improvements based on my base colors I seem to like.
Hopefully tomorrow night I will be able to automate this thing about 99.9% of the way. So, when I wake up in the morning the picker is sitting pretty waiting for me. Once that is complete, I have a few things I need to work on with some of the normalizations of the names between the various sites I pull the data from i.e. game data, schedule etc... that will be a work in progress for a little bit. But the other day it auto filled 96 out of 100 games with the various lines which was a huge fucking improvement. Then I guess at some point I will set up a web scraper to gather up the scores and populate those.
I am excited for things I have learned with this, because it is going to improve the overall process for updating the NFL picker this year. Which will already be easier as I will not be tracking three different versions.
Anyway, I have rambled on enough.