Just reiterating what our Emperor @Kontradiction posted in the original thread here

I'd also add that there will not be any moderation for the most part by @Kontradiction , @Silent Patriot or myself. Besides the main obvious porn, doxxing, or threats of violence everything is fair game. If you for some reason don't like what someone has to say or somebody gets underneath your skin we have a global ignore feature which you can select here after selecting a user

Once ignored you have the option to wether 2 way ignore and erase all content all together as well as shown below

This will be your moderation and a time saver for yourself and the rest of us as well. We hope that you don't have to use it because we prefer dialogue and conversations, but it's an option if you want to use it.
MUST-READ - Please Read: Forum guidelines/welcome thread.
Let’s try this again… Essentially? There are few. 1. No porn. 2. No doxing. 3. No threats of violence. Short of that? Have a ball. Please do not bother reporting posts since we will do nothing about them. Don't like what someone is saying? Debate them or ignore them. You are the master of...

I'd also add that there will not be any moderation for the most part by @Kontradiction , @Silent Patriot or myself. Besides the main obvious porn, doxxing, or threats of violence everything is fair game. If you for some reason don't like what someone has to say or somebody gets underneath your skin we have a global ignore feature which you can select here after selecting a user

Once ignored you have the option to wether 2 way ignore and erase all content all together as well as shown below

This will be your moderation and a time saver for yourself and the rest of us as well. We hope that you don't have to use it because we prefer dialogue and conversations, but it's an option if you want to use it.