Animals Thread (Animals are better than people)

I do ask one where the other 1 is. and 1 of them will actually come to me and get all agitated when the other 1 is locked up in a room. It's funny because I told my boy who's very quiet that he has to squeak when he's locked up in some room because I don't know where he is if I'm downstairs and he's locked in the bedroom. well he actually did squeak last time so I don't know whether that was a coincidence or what. He's the one that'll tell me if my girl is shut in a room.

Cats fighting is a legit hilarious watch. I would love to see somebody a lot better with technology than i am set a cat fight to an old Kung Fu movie,complete with bad dubbing because that's really what cat fights look like: badly dubbed Kung Fu movies from the 70s. huachaaaaaaaaa.......bambamwhapbamkickkickkick....looooonnnnggggggg pause staring at each other in a fighting pose totally motionless. repeat as many times as necessary. 😹