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Pennsylvania SPCA
sedrtSnpooih6cs a46203 321i0dhtfaa rMcahhm1l3iitf2e4a1yYeA6: ·
Leonard is one of the sweetest cats we have ever met.
Any time someone passes his kennel he is sure to greet them with a chirping meow and outstretched paws.
But, sadly, once potential adopters turn to see him, they leave the room with quiet snickers and whispers under breath.
When Leonard came to our shelter a few weeks ago, we discovered that he has Mast Cell tumors that grow on his face and ears. They are benign and do not seem to cause him any discomfort, but are seemingly hindering his adoption.
We know that if someone were to see past his exterior and into his heart, they would fall in love with him, just like we have.
All he needs is someone to take the chance.
Please ask about Leonard today and share to help us find his family.
=AZUSuoDZkVh3l32UnoFgqNmw1cBB3jYyjECbfLBiKLXS7PBovFYHxDoo8PFmVStuVbvMV5J_bGj36ptDFbnNAi8bJiQcrPfnalAPUqM-a7aK10PxuWDZKyizZ5Lx8RifWqiuUXuNQezAuliIxgWl01w_&__tn__=EH-R]View: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=778045494351846&set=a.322183679938032&__cft__[0]=AZUSuoDZkVh3l32UnoFgqNmw1cBB3jYyjECbfLBiKLXS7PBovFYHxDoo8PFmVStuVbvMV5J_bGj36ptDFbnNAi8bJiQcrPfnalAPUqM-a7aK10PxuWDZKyizZ5Lx8RifWqiuUXuNQezAuliIxgWl01w_&__tn__=EH-R
He did get adopted.awww sweet babyi hope his person finds him.
one reason i am glad not to log on to facebook anymore is i was in a constant state of heartbreak over these unloved or abused animals. i used to donate to a bunch of fb cat places. now i just buy stuff for a couple local rescues.
i missed that ty!He did get adopted.