Hallie Kyed (Doug Kyed's daughter) passes away


Don't take it personal. I'm a little twisted.
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This is really sad. My deepest condolences to the Kyed family.

With the most unimaginable broken heart, we have to share that we lost our little Hallie bear yesterday, January 21. A few weeks ago, we learned her last round of chemo was not effective and her AML had spread. We clung on to hope and started her on a new trial drug, but her disease simultaneously spread rapidly and couldn’t be stopped. She passed away comfortably and peacefully, snuggled next to us at Children’s Hospital, where the whole family stayed the past week to spend every minute with her.

We will never understand why or how something so horrible can happen. She was such a special little person and we're so grateful we had her in our lives and got to love her and be her parents.

All we can do is pour over pictures and videos. She was such a spirited, feisty, spunky, beautiful baby. She made everyone smile and we believe she touched everyone she ever met. She could make us laugh with a single word, a shift of an eyeball, a point of a finger. She was the girliest girl, of course always wearing princess dresses. Always saying “nails!” “boots!” “dress!” when admiring others. She dramatically sang princess songs and loved to dance. She was the best dancer in the house. She’d tell anyone to “shake your butt!”

She had so much life in her little body. Before she was diagnosed, she always woke up so excited for the day. She’d go straight to the closet and drawers to get herself ready, saying “jacket, boots, hat, car,” ready to go. Throughout her battle with leukemia, she always got up. She demanded to go on about 800 walks in her stroller in her final week. She passed away with paint on her hands and sparkles in her hair from doing crafts.

She loved her family so much. She’d talk about them all the time when they weren’t visiting or FaceTiming. She relentlessly talked about what she wanted to get each family member for Christmas last month. We're so grateful our families were able to see her daily this past week and made her feel so loved.

She loved painting, LOL dolls, her pink Hallie blanket, her cat Rambe and puppies.

The world is a worse place without Hallie in it.

If you can take anything from Hallie today, it's to know exactly what you want and to be persistent in asking for it, whether it's going on a walk, ride in the car or wearing one particular princess dress (usually Cruella).

We'll keep you updated on Hallie's memorial services.

Hallie James Kyed ✨ 3/28/2021 - 1/21/2024
I can’t even imagine that pain. No parent should need to go through that. I would need to be Baker Acted as the only way to stop me from putting a bullet in my head. His family are in my prayers.
I can’t even imagine that pain. No parent should need to go through that. I would need to be Baker Acted as the only way to stop me from putting a bullet in my head. His family are in my prayers.
It's the worst feeling in the world. You just feel fucking helpless, there's nothing you can do. And it stays with you forever.
I can’t even imagine that pain. No parent should need to go through that. I would need to be Baker Acted as the only way to stop me from putting a bullet in my head. His family are in my prayers.

yea i have tears in my eyes just thinking about it, if that happened to my son id be swallowing the end of a shotgun barrel
it's actually awe-inspiring that Doug could go online and write that. the strength that must have taken him is unreal. i'm sitting here in a puddle just reading it.
What a cute and lovable kid she sounded like. Difficult, but also a beautiful thing to read. I echo @HSanders comments about Doug's ability to even write that at this time. He did well by her.
im guessing he gets some of his strength from having another beautiful daughter that needs him.. that would be the only thing preventing me from offing myself in that situation

my wife and I only have 1 child (4 years old), and we're 40.. so not planning on having any more
it's actually awe-inspiring that Doug could go online and write that. the strength that must have taken him is unreal. i'm sitting here in a puddle just reading it.
I think for a lot of people writing can be very healing, especially for a writer. Sometimes it's just good to get your emotions out that way.
No one should have to outlive their children for any reason except extreme old age. May God bless the child in the afterlife and comfort the Kyeds in the here and now.
This is really sad. My deepest condolences to the Kyed family.

With the most unimaginable broken heart, we have to share that we lost our little Hallie bear yesterday, January 21. A few weeks ago, we learned her last round of chemo was not effective and her AML had spread. We clung on to hope and started her on a new trial drug, but her disease simultaneously spread rapidly and couldn’t be stopped. She passed away comfortably and peacefully, snuggled next to us at Children’s Hospital, where the whole family stayed the past week to spend every minute with her.

We will never understand why or how something so horrible can happen. She was such a special little person and we're so grateful we had her in our lives and got to love her and be her parents.

All we can do is pour over pictures and videos. She was such a spirited, feisty, spunky, beautiful baby. She made everyone smile and we believe she touched everyone she ever met. She could make us laugh with a single word, a shift of an eyeball, a point of a finger. She was the girliest girl, of course always wearing princess dresses. Always saying “nails!” “boots!” “dress!” when admiring others. She dramatically sang princess songs and loved to dance. She was the best dancer in the house. She’d tell anyone to “shake your butt!”

She had so much life in her little body. Before she was diagnosed, she always woke up so excited for the day. She’d go straight to the closet and drawers to get herself ready, saying “jacket, boots, hat, car,” ready to go. Throughout her battle with leukemia, she always got up. She demanded to go on about 800 walks in her stroller in her final week. She passed away with paint on her hands and sparkles in her hair from doing crafts.

She loved her family so much. She’d talk about them all the time when they weren’t visiting or FaceTiming. She relentlessly talked about what she wanted to get each family member for Christmas last month. We're so grateful our families were able to see her daily this past week and made her feel so loved.

She loved painting, LOL dolls, her pink Hallie blanket, her cat Rambe and puppies.

The world is a worse place without Hallie in it.

If you can take anything from Hallie today, it's to know exactly what you want and to be persistent in asking for it, whether it's going on a walk, ride in the car or wearing one particular princess dress (usually Cruella).

We'll keep you updated on Hallie's memorial services.

Hallie James Kyed ✨ 3/28/2021 - 1/21/2024
That's heartbreaking.
awww what a sweet little girlie...💔
i will look at that list tomorrow.