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Sorry, I can't discuss brussell sprouts anymore, it's making me nauseated.

Q: What's the difference between brussell sprouts and pussy?

A: Not everyone eats brussell sprouts.

Brussels sprouts may be the best conversation on this board today...
You know it really pisses me off...I went out to eat with a couple friends tonight and I was all excited when I saw they had crispy Brussels sprouts with bacon and a little bit of maple on the menu
" nom nom nom nom nom",I thought. The reality was the 5 or so Brussels sprouts were buried under a bunch of shitty overcooked vegetables that all tasted alike that I pushed aside trying to find the Brussels sprouts. and there were 2 small shards of bacon. my calamari was the exact same way. i had to push aside a forest of inedible vegetables to find the few pieces of calamari. I feel like an archaeologist now.
You know it really pisses me off...I went out to eat with a couple friends tonight and I was all excited when I saw they had crispy Brussels sprouts with bacon and a little bit of maple on the menu
" nom nom nom nom nom",I thought. The reality was the 5 or so Brussels sprouts were buried under a bunch of shitty overcooked vegetables that all tasted alike that I pushed aside trying to find the Brussels sprouts. and there were 2 small shards of bacon. my calamari was the exact same way. i had to push aside a forest of inedible vegetables to find the few pieces of calamari. I feel like an archaeologist now.

Yeah.... I hate it when a restaurant really blows an easy dish, especially when it was avoidable by just not skimping on the key parts to the dish.
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Anyone who eats brussell sprouts is a homo. If @HSanders was a dude, she'd be a homo for eating brussell sprouts.

Q: What's similar between brussell sprouts and pubic hair?

A: You push them both to the side and continue eating.
Burn the ends of them a bit so they get nice and crisp, load them up with spices and olive oil, and they’re delicious.
Anyone who eats brussell sprouts is a homo. If @HSanders was a dude, she'd be a homo for eating brussell sprouts.

Q: What's similar between brussell sprouts and pubic hair?

A: You push them both to the side and continue eating.
i like yes i'm a homo!