Miscellaneous funny, nice, happy, uplifting stuff.

This is about golfer Roger Maltbie:

And behind this curtain, we have the new switch-putter, as demonstrated by Roger Maltbie. When the ball breaks right to left, he does it right-handed. When the ball breaks left to right, he does it left-handed.

”And when I happen to do them both on the same hole,” he says, ”the gallery figures I`m drunk.”

That is not an unthinkable thought concerning Maltbie, one of the delightful free spirits on a fairly buttoned-down PGA Tour. In 1975, as a rookie professional, he wins the Quad Cities Open and Pleasant Valley Classic back-to-back. He adjourns to a watering hole, T.O. Flynn`s in nearby Worcester, Mass., with the intent to celebrate. He does not disappoint himself.

”I must have had a helluva good time,” Maltbie says. ”I woke up the next morning with nothing in my pockets. Nothing. Not even the $40,000 check I got for winning the tournament. I called the bar and asked them, while they were sweeping up, did they happen to find a $40,000 check? They did, and they framed it. The sponsors issued me another one. That`s life.”
What's wrong with this picture?

View attachment 3777

  • You do the litter on the horizontal, not the vertical.
  • Low-soled Crocs with holes in them are a terrible footwear choice for that job.
  • She's wasting that cigarette by not smoking it. She might as well just drop it on the ground, right by her right foot.
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