Miscellaneous funny, nice, happy, uplifting stuff.

I heard from someone here that @jlaff is quite the stud!

I have to know, jlaff, do you have a hairy butt? Do you manscape? Tell me about your hot self.
I'm totally devoted to my girlfriend/future wife, so I can't partake in the discussion, my apologies.

Have you grown bored of @Lord Guts? I always assumed he'd be an attentive lover.
I'm totally devoted to my girlfriend/future wife, so I can't partake in the discussion, my apologies.

Have you grown bored of @Lord Guts? I always assumed he'd be an attentive lover.

He was a very attentive lover. Still is. Love my @Lord Guts !!!!

Haven't you heard of a threesome, silly? You and I with Guts in the middle. We could stuff him like a burrito. That was not an insensitive ethnic reference. He asks me to call him My Beefy Burrito when we go to town.

I'm looking forward to mounting my Canadian Mountie next!
I heard from someone here that @jlaff is quite the stud!

I have to know, jlaff, do you have a hairy butt? Do you manscape? Tell me about your hot self.

@jlaff showed us a photo of some guy out of GQ, passing it off as himself. He is actually kind of homely.

I mean really. Have you ever seen an attractive lawyer?