***Sports Book Update*** 2/26

Congratulations @Finn you're the leader for the month of Feb please let me know what banner background you'd like and what type of badge as for the rest of you keep betting.

A gay man who didnt know much about betting beat just beat us all keep that in mind

@Finn @Kontradiction @tabmixer @TB12 Goat @PM15 @666 @CM Punk @Ice_Ice_Brady @Fly Eagles Fly @Lord Guts @Deus Irae @Gumpboy45 @Beers @jlaff @HSanders @Lord Mayo @LordSensei1958 @Lord Chevy @ish @Hyped @J.J Stokes
Congratulations @Finn I'll gift you a nice dildo or something
Congrats @Finn $400K plus is impressive