Film, TV, Netflix, HBO, Etc. Thread

Severance S2 Premiere was great
Any recommendations for a film / series in the same vein as:

The Big Short
The Social Network
I started watching Lost on Netflix... I had never watched it before, I had family that was super into it when it aired originally. I'm like 4 episodes in, pretty good so far. One thing that bugs me is the shaky camera at time is annoying.
I started watching Lost on Netflix... I had never watched it before, I had family that was super into it when it aired originally. I'm like 4 episodes in, pretty good so far. One thing that bugs me is the shaky camera at time is annoying.
I tried watching it but I hated the star. Matthew Fox is such a fucking pretty boy pussy and terrible actor and I couldn’t convince myself to go on an emotional journey because of that. Also all the characters are incredibly good looking and I felt like I was watching a Gap commercial.
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That’s the GOAT. Kudos to AMC for sticking with it through a rough first season ratings-wise.
It's my second rewatch
Right now pissed at yo girl Skylar for sleeping with her boss thinking our boy Walt is the devil for being a criminal, but Ted was also a criminal smh
It's my second rewatch
Right now pissed at yo girl Skylar for sleeping with her boss thinking our boy Walt is the devil for being a criminal, but Ted was also a criminal smh
I mean she wasn’t wrong about Walt. He was a criminal. He just somewhat made up for it at the end. That doesn’t happen if Mike doesn’t get shot in Mexico. I don’t think Walt is able to bait Gus into an emotional decision if Mike is there in his ear, telling him that Hector going to the DEA is an odd move.
I mean she wasn’t wrong about Walt. He was a criminal. He just somewhat made up for it at the end. That doesn’t happen if Mike doesn’t get shot in Mexico. I don’t think Walt is able to bait Gus into an emotional decision if Mike is there in his ear, telling him that Hector going to the DEA is an odd move.
Only gripe I have of the show is that their Spanish sucks from Don Hector on down. You can tell it's not Mexican actors or at least attempting to get the accent correct lol
Plot hole @Kontradiction ? Why didn't hank check the nursing homes security cameras surely he'd have seen Walt go in and out
Anyone else think Patricia Arquette is the best actress alive, and maybe of all time? She gets accolades but I don’t think she gets enough. She kills every role. If you haven’t seen Escape at Dannemora, you should watch it.
Completely subjective ratings on the cia / detective / lawyer investigation / trial shows.

Better Call Saul - A+
Cream of the crop. Even though I didn’t love the second half of the final season, this is still a near-perfect, all-time great television show.

Bosch - A-
I just love a realistic slow burn show that pays off in the end. Excellent show, no complaints. Great acting and pacing. This isn’t going to provide big explosions and shootouts but it’s going to maintain integrity and consistently good writing and character development.

The Lincoln Lawyer - B+
Another very good show. Lead actor is great. A little lower than Bosch just because while I enjoy it, there’s less of a realistic vibe and sometimes the plot resolutions become too convenient. It’s slightly more Hollywood than Bosch but similar (the characters Bosch and Lincoln Lawyer are actually related and written by the same author.)

Fargo - B+ (A+ / F)
This is very hard to rate because S1 and S2 are A+. But S3 is probably a D at best and S4 was unwatchable. I hate when a director becomes full of himself and turns a perfectly good theme into his own little 10th grade philosophy / “profound” filmmaking project. Still I’ll give it a B+ because it’s so hard to find A+ television but there’s plenty of bad shows to choose from.

Goliath - B
Billy Bob Thornton is really a gem. He can carry any show on account of his charisma. I loved S1 but the show got progressively worse though still pretty good until the wheels kind of started to fall off at the end in S4.

Reacher - B-
It’s really about what you’re looking for. If you like excitement, action, shootouts, etc then this show is perfectly done. If you like plot integrity, character development, this show does okay but not great.

Jack Ryan - C
Sometimes you just can’t get past a casting error. I just can’t buy John Krasinski as Jack Ryan and I can’t get past it. It ruins an otherwise well crafted show. Even if it weren’t for me always seeing JK as Jim Halpert, JK still doesn’t have the aura to play a Bond-like character. Too goofy and everyman like. Not alpha.
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Jack Ryan - C
Sometimes you just can’t get past a casting error. I just can’t buy John Krasinski as Jack Ryan and I can’t get past it. It ruins an otherwise well crafted show. Even if it weren’t for me always seeing JK as Jim Halpert, JK still doesn’t have the aura to play a Bond-like character. Too goofy and everyman like. Not alpha.

Jack Ryan was never meant to be a Bond type character. Another case of producers just ignoring the source material and fucking it up.
Jack Ryan was never meant to be a Bond type character. Another case of producers just ignoring the source material and fucking it up.
Yeah that makes sense. I just see a lot of incongruence between Jack Ryan’s character (as in the script) where he’s a suave, charismatic seducer of women, and Bond-like master of spying / combat, on one hand, and Krasinski’s natural persona. It’s uncomfortable to watch.