Great Moments in Pro Wrestling

My dad liked Ernie Ladd, because he knew him from playing football so he knew he was a legit tough guy he would say... He was also probably one of the very first Black heels, but he played his role so well that all I ever saw in him was a great heel, period. I too saw him vs Sammartino during this time, at the Boston Garden; I imagine the match ended fairly similarly here as this one did at MSG...


WWF @ Boston, MA – Boston Garden – March 2, 1985 (15,200; sell out)
Rick McGraw fought Matt Borne to a draw
SD Jones defeated Jose Luis Rivera
The Cobra defeated Moondog Spot
Rene Goulet defeated Mr. X
Don Muraco defeated Bret Hart
The Junkyard Dog defeated Bob Orton Jr. via count-out
WWF Tag Team Champions Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo defeated the Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff
Jimmy Snuka defeated Roddy Piper via disqualification when Bob Orton Jr. attacked Snuka as Snuka had Piper covered following a crossbody off the top; after the match, Piper and Orton double teamed Snuka, threw down the referee, and tossed Snuka to the floor; moments later, Snuka cleared the ring with a wooden chair


WWF @ Boston, MA – Boston Garden – March 2, 1985 (15,200; sell out)
Rick McGraw fought Matt Borne to a draw
SD Jones defeated Jose Luis Rivera
The Cobra defeated Moondog Spot
Rene Goulet defeated Mr. X
Don Muraco defeated Bret Hart
The Junkyard Dog defeated Bob Orton Jr. via count-out
WWF Tag Team Champions Barry Windham & Mike Rotundo defeated the Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff
Jimmy Snuka defeated Roddy Piper via disqualification when Bob Orton Jr. attacked Snuka as Snuka had Piper covered following a crossbody off the top; after the match, Piper and Orton double teamed Snuka, threw down the referee, and tossed Snuka to the floor; moments later, Snuka cleared the ring with a wooden chair

This must've been one of Hart's very earliest matches for the WWF, and certainly at the Garden, after Vince acquired Stampede Wrestling from his dad Stu, who helped train some of the sport's very best, including the Superstar himself Billy Graham... The talent that came through the Dungeon, unbelievable... Don't remember the Cobra, or "Mr X" for that matter...
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Still those two turns were huge

True enough... Two of the biggest turns I remember before going-away in 1978 were Spiros Arion & Peter Maivia, both against Jay Strongbow, as was the Handsome One Jimmy Valiant in October 1971, though that one happened well before I remember watching the shows on a regular basis, probably during the winter of 1972-73, when Tanaka & Fuji were champions with Morales.
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This must've been one of Hart's very earliest matches for the WWF, and certainly at the Garden, after Vince acquired Stampede Wrestling from his dad Stu, who helped train some of the sport's very best, including the Superstar himself Billy Graham... The talent that came through the Dungeon, unbelievable... Don't remember the Cobra, or "Mr X" for that matter...

Every territory would pull out a Mr. X under a mask if they needed another body. Often, it would just be one of the jabronis already on the card working double duty under the mask.

Mr. X could and usually was a different person every time.