The Epic Rants Thread


As a fairly salty person I appreciate a good rant from another salty person and I figured it would be kind of cool to have a thread for random rants that amuse and entertain. The post that made me start this thread is this one. and i definitely agree with this semtiment.

I mean if I could figure out why my refrigerator needs to communicate with the appliance overlords I guess I'd think about it but the really doesn't need to be such a thing forced upon you.
I'm far from a luddite. I really like technology and it has a lot of really great applications that have made things better and easier .but I don't think we should be forced into using it in order to participate in the economy. And those places are not appliances and in many cases not automobiles.
I had the same washer and dryer for like 25 yeand now I've gone through 3 washing machines because they have these stupid freaking circuit board goes you're screwed it's like hundreds of dollars and it's like oh well I'm like 3/4 of the way to a new washing machine, I'll just get a new one .I'm sure that's the goal .the next one I buy is gonna be a plain old dial washing machine with no circuit boards in it and an agitator. If you can even get such a thing anymore.