Love it. When I had to make the switch to a low sodium diet (<2 grams / day) I relied on this while I learned other ways to cook without salt. Roast chicken? Rub it down inside and out with this. Steak? No problem - hit it with this on both sides just before you rest it. Works well on roasted veggies as well.Never tried the no salt version...
Love it. When I had to make the switch to a low sodium diet (<2 grams / day) I relied on this while I learned other ways to cook without salt. Roast chicken? Rub it down inside and out with this. Steak? No problem - hit it with this on both sides just before you rest it. Works well on roasted veggies as well.
We went out to dinner earlier in the week, so we're eating at home tonight. We're having cottage pie. It'll be a basic version, rather than the jazzed up version I make.
And it'll still be tasty, and mostly gone by the time the night is through.
My mom used to make cottage pie a lot - cheap, filling, and damn good when done right. Meat. corn, mash ... Kind of hard to beat.So, it was a two serving version, and maybe a top off later tonight. Not bad at all....
My mom used to make cottage pie a lot - cheap, filling, and damn good when done right. Meat. corn, mash ... Kind of hard to beat.
If it wasn't such a salt bomb I'd be eating New England Boiled Dinner (ham version) weekly ... Ham, potatoes, carrots, onion, cabbage.Yeah.... Over the years, I've taken a bunch of family favorites and tweaked them to my taste preferences (one, for example, was as simple as going with shallots instead of onions, since I generally prefer shallots to onions in dips and dip-style dishes), making them my new baseline favorites. But I still keep the old styles, and still make the old versions.