Which actor/actress nailed their role so well that no one else will be able to live up to their performance?
Thats easy.
Mel Brooks read a screenplay by Andrew Bergman poking fun at the old west, especially racism, and fell in love with it. He wanted to embrace the absurdity of racism, and get people to laugh at the least funny of the darker segments of America’s history. He gathered some great writers, including Bergman, and told them, “Dont be polite”.
Originally Brooks wanted Richard Pryor to star in the movie as Sheriff Bart, but Warner was, as usual, to chickenshit to make any waves, anywhere. Eventually they insisted because of past drug use Pryor wasnt insurable. So Brooks made Pryor a writer (as even when cast as Bart Pryor was heavily involved in the screenplay), at first uncredited and unpaid. Later Warner relented and provided both.
So Brooks tapped Clevon Little, someone Pryor recommended from the cast call.
Little’s portrayal of Bart was genius, and he brought the character to a level Pryor wouldnt have been able to find. Not that Pryor wouldnrt have killed the part, and delivered funny (he IS Richard Pryor, after all!) but it would have been a very, VERY different film, without a lot of the nuances you found with Little’s smooth,
suave character playing off of
Harvey Korman,
Gene Wilder (so glad John Wayne didnt say yes!),
Slim Pickens and, of course,
Madeline Kahn, who was absolute genius, and should have won best supporting actress (yes, she was nominated)… although there’s no shame in losing to Ingrid Bergman.
But Little “stole the show”, as even though he wasnt as well known as most of the cast he made the movie his against some really great actors. I honestly cant think of a single actor who could have made that movie better playing that role.