My father was in the service for 28 years and this was served for breakfast quite a bit. I love it and still make it occasionally!!!
=AZUTwon0zVIVbJCjKNW43x76d1cgMIGTa0aK8SJ1ZYEltw2vSdP1PBUiX-JI8Ws43-ekNC1QCYPfeopQHndETNFUS9UAVnfoRoKUGzAVJmw5wWKe1O-Deia2ZvuANsH3SGNXD9EJE1EElCufAAQskEslLqt4GO1Q0hLyMyRcx355vWqhc2vo1uw5-3DGkbwqy7aUewtsyZ1htpkr-jieVUUbvtEjW7WyMsTsU_g87Sx5Vw&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R]View: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid09WeYgsDUGVCqPXSz9a93qKFxBYu52nYPb2SHdyjDTkgUVBr7vRUQB5sg8tw4QG6Wl&id=100093367689823&__cft__[0]=AZUTwon0zVIVbJCjKNW43x76d1cgMIGTa0aK8SJ1ZYEltw2vSdP1PBUiX-JI8Ws43-ekNC1QCYPfeopQHndETNFUS9UAVnfoRoKUGzAVJmw5wWKe1O-Deia2ZvuANsH3SGNXD9EJE1EElCufAAQskEslLqt4GO1Q0hLyMyRcx355vWqhc2vo1uw5-3DGkbwqy7aUewtsyZ1htpkr-jieVUUbvtEjW7WyMsTsU_g87Sx5Vw&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
I used to do the same thing. I'd get an omelet with bacon and home fries with SOS over it all when I was stationed at Bergstrom AFB in Texas. I absolutely loved it!!!When I was at tech school (Keesler AFB, Ms.) I had classes from 1800 - 0000. So, midnight chow was the late meal.
Cheese omelet with SoS over the top, home fries, fruit. Damn it was good!
Ever since I posted the recipe for SOS I've been thinking about it. So, this morning I made some and it was fucking delicious!!! I made it about 3:00 this morning using a pound of hamburger and it's already history. I just did it on toast. It's so easy to make, I should make it more often.When I was at tech school (Keesler AFB, Ms.) I had classes from 1800 - 0000. So, midnight chow was the late meal.
Cheese omelet with SoS over the top, home fries, fruit. Damn it was good!