Where I agree with you is I don't think it should have been posted on TikTok. I think the point of that punishment should have been to show the kid what it's like to have your personal dignity violated.Like he did to that kid. Kids are incredibly selfish/self centered and need to be taught that the world does not revolve around them.and that they can't be a do as I say not as I do or I can dish it out and can't take it type of person. Now he's gonna have to explain to all his little friends why he has no hair. over and over again. it's gonna get drilled into his head that the reason he doesn't have hair is because he made fun of somebody that he shouldn't have.Sure, he’s within his rights. But is there a better way to teach your kids a lesson about bullying rather than shaving his head, humiliating him, and posting a video on TikTok for the world to see.