Happy New Years

As long as I'm not a dick I should be okay when it comes to that. Lol

Punishments are extremely strict there, but my understanding is it is also very fair. If you get punished, you earned it.

Is that accurate?
Happy New Years everyone. My resolution is cliche. I need to lose weight I'm a good 218 lbs right now.
Punishments are extremely strict there, but my understanding is it is also very fair. If you get punished, you earned it.

Is that accurate?
Yes for the most part. They are strict littering alone is like a felony in the states. Which I feel should be implemented in the states. As long as you're not a dick and use common sense, Singapore is a beautiful country to live in. My time is almost up though
Went to Yoga this morning among other exercises I did.I don't get to go often to this instructor because I normally have ice skating on Saturday but it's skipping a week in between sessions. I love her .she's amazing. Anyway, since it was the first practice of the New Year for her with us, she had a thought for us. she had a life coach who said stop making New Year's resolutions and start thinking about how you want to feel at the end of the year and base all of your actions off of that. she gave us all cards that we could use as our word in our focus for the year. mine was "Grace" so that 1's going right in the circular file because I've already violated that about a 1000 times and it's the 4th of the month.😄 But I do like the thought. it's almost like you make that word your goal and then you focus your actions around that and that will be more achievable.