In memory of Hallie Kyed ....

This was something that really meant a lot to me and I tried to convey that in my previous posts. Apparently nobody gave a fuck about it, with the exception of @Dingleberry. I thought there were a couple of people here who kind of respected me. We see how that turned out.
I'm kind of disappointed in all of you as a group, some individuals more than others. I didn't expect 100% participation, but certainly expected more than one response. I would have been happy with 3 or 4 donations made. I don't think that was too much to expect.
This isn't the first time this shit happened. There was the contest for $150 in gift cards for 3 new members that got exactly zero response. Also, the thread I started to give a gift card out for watching a movie called Searching for Sugar Man. Once again the response was underwhelming. Judging by the responses to my contests, I guess I'm not as important as I thought I was here.
I spend way too much time and money on the site here. It's my mistake thinking that we had a close knit little community here. It was wrong of me to expect you to reciprocate with the same energy as I put into the site. That's going to stop though.
I'm not going to abandon the site totally, but will just go into semi lurker status. Not much posting. I'm done with prizes and trying to be a superstar poster. I'll back off to becoming a poster with interest in the site, but no longer a supporter of it. I'm going to give the same energy to the site and people here as I was shown.
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i am sorry i was tied up that night and i do get your personal connection. i haven't heard back from doug on my message yet.
This was something that really meant a lot to me and I tried to convey that in my previous posts. Apparently nobody gave a fuck about it, with the exception of @Dingleberry. I thought there were a couple of people here who kind of respected me. We see how that turned out.
I'm kind of disappointed in all of you as a group, some individuals more than others. I didn't expect 100% participation, but certainly expected more than one response. I would have been happy with 3 or 4 donations made. I don't think that was too much to expect.
This isn't the first time this shit happened. There was the contest for $150 in gift cards for 3 new members that got exactly zero response. Also, the thread I started to give a gift card out for watching a movie called Searching for Sugar Man. Once again the response was underwhelming. Judging by the responses to my contests, I guess I'm not as important as I thought I was here.
I spend way too much time and money on the site here. It's my mistake thinking that we had a close knit little community here. It was wrong of me to expect you to reciprocate with the same energy as I put into the site. That's going to stop though.
I'm not going to abandon the site totally, but will just go into semi lurker status. Not much posting. I'm done with prizes and trying to be a superstar poster. I'll back off to becoming a poster with interest in the site, but no longer a supporter of it. I'm going to give the same energy to the site and people here as I was shown.
i am sorry i was tied up that night and i do get your personal connection. i haven't heard back from doug on my message yet.
Thank you, but not looking for an apology. I was just expressing the way I felt.