General chit chat and shit talk.

It ain't perfect, but it's as good as it gets in this country. And it's not Massholechusetts.

It IS 97% white though. I guess we have to work on the fatal problem of no diversity.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Oh shit, I almost kept a straight face as I typed that.
We're actually down to 88.5% white... we've got work to do under Trump.
We are pleased to inform you that your Pre-Arbitration Notice of Dispute has been successfully sent to Comcast/Xfinity, advising them of your intent to file a claim regarding the recent data breach that compromised your personal information.

(Note: If you had previous issues with receiving or signing your notice of dispute via docusign, we were able to get a signature waiver on your behalf from opposing counsel).

In the notice, we requested that Comcast/Xfinity contact us to schedule an informal conference to explore a possible resolution of your claim prior to filing a formal demand. Submitting a pre-arbitration notice is a necessary first step for seeking claim resolution under the Terms of Service you agreed to when using Comcast/Xfinity services. If a settlement conference is scheduled, our team will represent you during the conference, and your attendance will not be required.

While filing this notice is a significant step forward, please note that claims of this complexity can take 18–24 months to resolve (if there is a resolution). We will keep you updated via email if Comcast/Xfinity responds to the notice, schedules a conference, or if there are any other developments in your case.

We appreciate your continued patience as we work to achieve a resolution on your behalf. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Thank you for trusting us to represent you.

Your Morgan & Morgan Data Breach Team
What the hell? How does a helicopter wind up not just in the close airspace, but in the damn approach?


If you read the comments on the youtube channel I just posted above, you'll see that you're not the only person with questions about that (though that chat is flying right now, so you have to read everything quickly). In fact, the "conspiracy theories" have already started to be voiced (i.e. helicopter did it on purpose).
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If you read the comments on the youtube channel I just posted above, you'll see that you're not the only person with questions about that. In fact, the "conspiracy theories" have already started to be voiced (i.e. helicopter did it on purpose).
Well, I wouldn't go that far ... but even if there were an overstressed controller those wide-body landing lights are pretty damn hard to miss. Plus, a mere week after inauguration, I would assume the air space is under even tighter control than normal.
Well, I wouldn't go that far ... but even if there were an overstressed controller those wide-body landing lights are pretty damn hard to miss. Plus, a mere week after inauguration, I would assume the air space is under even tighter control than normal.

I keep missing the video of the actual crash, so I have no take on that. But JLaff is not alone in thinking that there seemed to be something odd about the crash, in terms of what people would normally be expecting to hear.
Just heard report claiming there were 3 soldiers on the helicopter (Both numbers I've posted so far are unofficial).
So pilot, copilot, crew chief ... Wonder why they were there in the first place. Training? Why not do it at Andrews where they have complete control over the air space and no civilian traffic? Or one of the NAS installations? Or even a quick jump up or down the coast to another military installation?
Weather guy just said visibility was fine at the time of the craft. Said winds were gusting, but only to about 25 mph. Said weather should only have been a problem in the sense of the water temp once people went into the river being too cold to allow for surviving it very long.
They just reported a communication from the ATC asking the helicopter pilot if he could see the plane.

Also, report just stated that there were no VIPs on the helicopter at the time of the craft.