They are gonna call it if the tackle looks bad, they'll call it if a guy gets hurt, and they'll definitely call it on a legit tackle that shouldn't get called in a huge moment of an important game. If you are chasing a player from behind what are you supposed to do? Dive for his feet?
If you can tell intent? Sure. Intent is pretty easy to see. An accidental helmet-to-helmet on a bang, bang play should not be flagged. Just a part of the game.Also, probably unpopular opinion, the one """""""""safety""""""""" change I'm ok with is Helmet-to-Helmet. Motherfuckers shouldn't be leading with their helmets. That's called 'spearing' and has been a penalty since the 70s. I think this is one case where college actually gets it right with their targeting rule.
Yes, that's why all these """""""""safety""""""""" measures are a complete joke.
Depends. If your head's down, and you're leading with the crown of your helmet, that's always intent, to me. Even if the contact's incidental.If you can tell intent? Sure. Intent is pretty easy to see. An accidental helmet-to-helmet on a bang, bang play should not be flagged. Just a part of the game.
Society will never let football go back to leather helmets. The first time someone cracks their skulls open, you’ll have the usual suspects (bored white women in upper middle class areas) clutching their pearls on Twitter or Facebook. “The NFL should be held accountable! #istandwith[insert injured player’s name here].Yes, that's why all these """""""""safety""""""""" measures are a complete joke.
They tried a couple decades ago to sell us on Fieldturf, how it was so much better than Astroturf. The injury levels are the same if not worse. At least they're not actually falling on asphalt like they were on Astroturf.
I've said this a bunch of times, but if you're serious about improving player safety, ban artificial turf, reduce the number of pads on the players, and put them back in leather helmets. Injuries from concussions to ACLs will plummet across the board, even if the hip-hop-drop tackle is still in place.