Miracle on Ice

Greatest quote from a coach ever!

The college kids of Team USA had just beaten the professional Russians two days earlier. A Russian team that had just beaten multiple NHL TEAMS!

Team USA was down 2-1 to Finland after two periods and were about to piss away the gold medal. Herb Brooks walked into the locker room and looked at a team expecting a fiery speech.

Herb looked at them and simply said, "If you lose this game, you will take it to your fucking graves". He began to walk back out, turned around and repeated, " Your fucking graves".

They scored three goals in the final period to win 4-2 and take the gold medal.
All these years later I see the clip of the final minute and feel a major rush. To beat a Russian juggernaut - most of that team had been together 5 years? Ten? - with a true Olympic team of kids is a Miracle. It would be like Estonia had beaten the Bird/Magic Dream Team.
All these years later I see the clip of the final minute and feel a major rush. To beat a Russian juggernaut - most of that team had been together 5 years? Ten? - with a true Olympic team of kids is a Miracle. It would be like Estonia had beaten the Bird/Magic Dream Team.

Here it is again. I watch these clips all the time. Never failed to be covered in goosebumps.

Greatest moment in sports history.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qYscemhnf88&pp=ygUObWlyYWNsZSBvbiBpY2U%3D