Whispers no louder than a meme that Bekichick could end up in Philadelphia.
Maybe already discussed. Just gossip ATM I suppose but I think that would be

I don’t root for the Eagles or care at all if they win or lose most times, but I like the team and their fanbase more than any other Non-Patriot team in the league just based on franchise, interaction, and laundry.
I think a certain element of the unique gung-honess with Boston and Philadelphia that lit the fuse of the War for Independence is a little evident in each region’s fanbase, so I like Philly.
If Belichick went there I’d root for them. I honestly don’t think Belichick would go to a warm-climate football team. I think he would want to reemerge in his hoodie for NFL films & History with a storied cold weather blue-collared fanatical-fanbase team and do some fucking damage.
Wouldn’t root for him as hard as I rooted for Tom, who I rooted for to whip our fucking asses, but if we’re chasing draft picks a Belichick championship with the Eagles would be fucking dope.